Drone Training, Robotics Contracting, Consulting and more!
Building PROFESSIONAL drone pilots since 2014
Drone Training, Robotics Contracting, Consulting and more!
Building PROFESSIONAL drone pilots since 2014
Building PROFESSIONAL drone pilots since 2014
Building PROFESSIONAL drone pilots since 2014
Drone Pilot Inc, was registered and established in Texas on April 10, 2014 and located in Austin TEXAS for drone training. Drone Pilot Inc. is a Disabled Veteran-owned Small business, founded by 26 year veteran Austin Texas Peace Officer John Buell, partnered with active and retired Public Safety/Military professionals to deliver an experienced based drone/robotics training program for first responders and professional remote pilots. DPI can help with pilot selection, equipment selection based on your mission scope and getting your operators mission ready upon graduation.
The Drone Pilot Flight Team cadre, made up of public safety professionals have completed missions all over the US and overseas for a wide range of clients. DPI has created a copyrighted UA flight team standard operating manual on drone training that's currently being deployed by public safety agencies in Texas and across the United States. DPI's program consists of three phases delivered over 3 months in 20 hr blocks totaling 100 hours. The program only moves as fast as the flight teams ability to become proficient. DPI includes training drones for students to complete this program and continue building their remote piloting skills.
Drone Pilot was awarded one of the first FAA 333 exemption for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS) training and operations. Experience matters when training your remote pilots or deploying for complex aerial missions. The DPI 100-hour drone training is designed to build a professional flight team and train to a high standard of professional UA operation. This training provides 3 stage flight training customized to meet the needs of the team, general knowledge of drone mechanics and maintenance; FAA required document training, and knowledge required to pass the FAA Part 107 remote pilots test. Do your research, it will lead you back to DPI! No other training program for public safety measures up to DPI!
Developing the futures public safety tools and techniques to save lives!
Just a taste of what we do!
Operations robotics training like no other!
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Have a question about the services we provide? Our Public Safety drone training? Send us the details on the type of mission or training you're looking for, and we'll be happy to get back to you with a free quote and information.
Back41.org is excepting applications for the DPI 100 hour UAV Academy, free Training free Drone!